This is the best TV show in India based on mythology, better than other version of Mahabharat. Hats-off to the Directors, Screen & Dialogue writer, costume designers and the Actors for bringing up just fantastic show. This show perfectly maintains balance between drama, storyline, sequence, life lessons etc.
After every major event there is a lesson from Shri Krishna which makes this show more than just entertainment. We need more such shows rather than just typical Saas Bahu seriels.
According to me the perfect acting was done by Tharoor Anup Singh (role of Dhritrashtra) and Surabh Raj Jain ( role of Krishna). Dhritrashtra, blind man physically, and also have blind affection for his sons and for this reason he doesn't forbade them while they involve in silly crimes in childhood and his sons grow up to be followers of Adharma (evil). Even then throughout his life he blindly keeps them supporting on their every wrongdoing. Which finally leads to War of Kurukshetra to happen and he ends up losing all his sons. At end, he is a depressed Father who is angry on their murderer of his sons and also a of a loser king. This role is perfectly played by THAKOOR ANUP SINGH.
Secondly, the role of Krishna was perfectly played by Sarabh Raj Jain. His smiles and style of talking makes his best for the role. Though his birth and arrival is shown much later but he is seen giving life lessons to People after every show. He is realistic person who knows that without destroying evil with sword there cannot be peace in the world and we have to accept our own lose to in the process and persuade Pandavas to believe in that. On Karna's death when Pandavas mourn realising that Karna was their elder brother, Krishna is seen emotionless, as if he knew everything that is going to happen. At the end when Gandhari curses him for the Warfare out of pain of losing children he accepts her Curse too.
This perfect role of god (someone above all emotions & desires) is perfectly played by Surabh Raj Jain.
Still there could've been better Make Up of the actors. The actors specially the famale roles are shown to remain Young even when their Children reaches youth.
And also there is many many unnecessary dramatic scenes, this will make many people bore, as in this modern age we value time very much. This two things could've been better.
Once again Thanks to the makers of this Mahabharat show of Star Plus.