Usually find the program informative but I found Evan Solomon unusually aggressive with Andrew Scheer this a.m. Why is Avi Lewis now a climate expert? And he was allowed to take over the conversation. Avi talks about how this country is rich and that we have the money to make changes. Wonder what rock he has been living under. How about a scientist on what really is going on with climate. And who are we kidding, Avi wants us to go back to living as my ancestors did when first arriving to Canada.
Canadian are no where near the polluters as some third world countries, yet these environs are looking for punishing Canadians.
In interviewing Minister Soho and talking about the pipeline he, Sohi, discussed the importance of the pipeline, gee, what a novel idea.
Now NDP leader Singh wants to raise taxes and free this and free that. How about being a little more innovative. It is amazing that these people are actually in government. Now he is talking about a wealth tax. Another novel idea. Wow.