For anyone genuinely seeking answers to the many questions bothering him/her about life and existence; this is the solution you have been waiting for.
Through the explanation in The Grail Message, one personally and convincingly gets answers to such basic questions as Who am I? Why am I here on earth? What happens after physical death? Does a human being continue to exist after physical death? Is there truly heaven? Does GOD really exist? And more.
One gets answers to those aforementioned questions within oneself through the clarity of the explanation, provided you read with an open mind.
One feature of In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message which struck me is the insistence by the Author that the reader should not blindly accept the explanation put forward but should rather consider them and critically reflect on them to personally determine whether they accord with the truth. To me this is a daring challenge to a seeker for truth, one which can be put forward only by an Author convinced of what is being offered.