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Superb. Generally hilarious.
Felt he missed out on something about the 1st generation & how they have been treated.
Down Under
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An amazing book. What an all embracing intellect.
Not a narrow view of a cataclysmic disaster but encompassing so many different aspects of life...about to be destroyed.
Sadly, it rings true.
Brilliant but highly disturbing.
The Nutmeg's Curse
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A fascinatjng book. Well researched. What makes Ckmpanies last? The reverse too?
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Facts are sacred; opinion is free...said CP Scott.
I have no problems with a foreigner writing a book on's India. Provides a whiff of fresh air.
This is a very well researched book & contemporary. Kudos to the author.
There are certainly 2 visions of India. This book does indeed convey a concern over the strengths of Independent India being destroyed.
I too am concerned. 'Might is right'' is not the India I want. Plurality is what makes India. This is not the direction India is taking.
Modi's India: Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy
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An outstanding book about a Corporation. Thoroughly well researched. Written with immense understanding of the subject.
As a book, one of a kind.
Challenge and Change: The ITC Story, 1910-1985
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Very impressive bandwitdh.
Sees the Spirit of Cricket from diverse angles in harmony with the sub title of PLAY & LIFE.
Wonderful examples & contemporary also.
The last word on Spirit of Cricket.
A MUST read.