Another masterpiece. This is a very layered and deep album when it comes to sound. It can get a bit boring or seem a bit weird at points, but if you just really focus on the music it will be very rewards and you will soon start to sing along. Mike Patton is on is game on this album, as so is the rest of the band. Great guitar work from Trey; Great bass work from Trevor. And great whatever from the other people. The definitive top tracks from this one are of course Golem II: Bionic Vapor Boy, Vanity Fair, and Goodbye Sober Day. It always seems that Mr. Bungle has the best ending tracks, not to say that the other ones ain't worth the listen too. Listen to Air Conditioned Nightmare, Pink Cigarette, Sweet Charity, and Ars Moriendi. Overall, this is a great listen that you should totally buy. nevetmind this is actually horrible