Grey's anatomy 16 seasons and on...
This is an swsome series among the ones that I have watched... There are many tracks which are on going... But the changes in this series have come gradually along the seasons making us not to regret much on those heart breaking changes... But still going... With many fantastic actors and evolutions in the storyline... Truly the people watching this show had have faced many sad ending then and there due to the various issues within the crew behind the scenes which are also followed by the viewers... Few have stopped watching due to their disappointments and many have started watching this show... People who loves medicine, who wants to know the Basics of medicine and who wants to develop an interest in medicine are the people to watch this show in the lo g so that they will never be disappointed, no matter what these people will love this show... In the long run the others will conclude that nothing is stable in life... Life changes, situations change.. That will make u strong... Overlook the sad moments waiting for the next... It teaches and shows the true colours of today's growing world of evolution of relationships in the westernised professional world... May b... But if u watch u will learn many things... That is true... And so on... I completed watching this series in a month... The people who have been watching for years are the people with enormous patience... U ppl are seriously awesome... Waiting for the next few episodes of this series before it ends its final season in 2-3 years... In a whole this is a series to be watched by everyone... If you want to start wat hing English series u can start with this one since this is the best in this line no matter what...