The fact that the first 6 movies were almost all cannon, following the actual star wars history, then the writers of these next 3 just decided to write a completely new history of star wars is trash. Rey is now officially the strongest Jedi who ever lived and will ever live! Come on really!!! Luke has no children and you kill off the last Skywalker ending the family tree. I mean this movie is really the rise of the palpetine's. In my opinion, there hasn't been a good star wars movie since revenge of the Sith. The last 5 movies since then trash. The best movie so far was rogue one, only because I got Vader force choking someone. I mean did we really need a Han Solo origin movie!? Give us 6 movies on the Old Republic, the Rule of Two, the Rise of Darth Palageious, Yoda at 500 years old, something more, something better than the trash they have given us. At least we have The Mandalorian tv show for now. It's bad when youtube has better fan made Star Wars movies than Hollywood.