I came up with a 3-episode rule with my friend after I started watching k-dramas. In it, we give any show we start 3 episodes to get ourselves invested in the story, if not we leave it. I was into this show from the VERY FIRST SCENE.
I finished this show yesterday. My heart literally stopped after finding out that it's not confirmed for a second season yet. I want more. I need more. This show is everything I could hope for. It didn't get boring, not for a single second. Although you would wanna avoid this if you like fluffy dramas. This is not it. But it still didn't crush any and all hope for the "decent" people, like Game of thrones did,
on multiple occasions (ahem Pre-s7-8 Starks anyone?).
Goooood, I have so many thoughts.
It has the very real depiction of people's fear regarding those different than them. Especially in those times. The characters that were cruel, they were not shallow. All had their complexity, and often you find yourself torn over despising them for what they did or sympathizing with their stories. Even the main villain, Tagon, I couldn't bring myself to hate him in the end. Tho Tae-ahla was certainly hatred worthy, but damn it, I admired the strength of that woman.
Now onto, my favourite characters. Song Joongki-sshi. I hope you read this because I admire you so much. You are good looking, of course, but you are such a phenomenal actor. God damnit, I love both Eunseom and Saya so much. Eunseom is a sweetheart whereas when Saya entered the story, he completely commanded attention.
And seriously, it's ridiculous. I can't ever pick between them. I can't bear for Tanya to ever give up on Eunseom (I'd feel betrayed on his behalf), but I also can't watch Saya getting hurt because of her rejection (and come on, he always helped her). Even tho he may be slightly out of his mind because of his isolation. Seriously, Saya is such a complicated character. Just, wow!!
Tanya. Whew. What a woman. Knowing absolutely nothing of her surrounding and their way of life, she still came so far. And she's still learning. And her supernatural abilities are such an icing on cake. Actually, her whole storyline is amazing. No wonder Kim Jiwon agreed to take this role. Such a badass lady. 😍
Yangcha. Weirdly enough, Yangcha come to my mind a lot. Despite not having much scenes, he was such a cool badass in all of them. A mysterious man with little explained about him. Maybe it was because of the mask, maybe it was because of his interaction with Tanya, because I really have huge soft spot for her, specifically him saving her and her being able to read his thoughts, there's just something really curious about him.
All the other characters were good too. The main players of the politics, or the common people. Outstanding cast. Absolutely amazing writing. Beautiful and mesmerizing cinematography as well as the direction. Costumes and makeup etc were, good god, stunning (If you think I'm thinking of Saya while thinking hair and makeup, you'd not be wrong).
Btw, is it me or or Xabara of the Momo Tribe just seemed to capture my heart at one glance? 😂😂😍😍
Please, please, please, revive this for a second season. It's such an amazing show. I really, really, really hope I get to continue watching this story. My best wishes to all of the team and crew.💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕