I was going to give this show 2 stars but most people only look at the 5 star reviews and the 1 star reviews.
When this show first came out, I watched it when I was around 10 or 11 and I loved it. Girl meets world is certainly geared towards younger viewers. I loved the life lessons, the love triangle, the humor, and each character (specifically Maya).
Well.... now that I'm older and I have Disney+, I decided to watch Boy Meets World. Boy Meets world is an amazing sitcom with valuable life lessons, real world topics/themes, great character dynamics, genuinely funny scenes (especially Eric!!!), and it's just all around a good show.
After I finished Boy Meets World, I went back and decided to re-watch Girl Meets World. Oh boy.... it definitely is not as good as I remembered, and I'm only on the 3rd episode. It could be because I'm older, it could be because I just watched Boy Meets World, or it could be because my taste simply has changed but this show is, to put it nicely, a disappointment. However, I'm the type of person that perseveres through at least the first season of a show until I give it up, so If I change my mind, I'll edit this review.
Girl Meets World is a complete rip-off of Boy Meets World, in every way. I can tell that the similarities it has to Boy Meets World are supposed to be an nod to BMW (boy meets world) but because it was so poorly executed, it seems like the creators of GMW (girl meets world) were un-original and had to copy BMW completely. Cory was the only teacher throughout the show much like Mr. Feeny was (with the exception of Mr. Turner). Maya was like Shawn, Riley was like Cory, and Farkle was like Minkus and they even had the same dynamic until Maya, Riley, and Lucas's love triangle forms. I do appreciate a few of the nods to BMW, like Mr. Feeny's Cameo, the fact that Riley goes to John Quincy Adams Middle School (Cory went to John Adams High) and that the children of Cory, Shawn (considering that Shawn married Katy and Adopted Maya), and Minkus were exactly like those characters.
Overall, Girl Meets World is dull and un-original. Although, everything I said is quite negative, it's not the worst show and is pretty entertaining to kids. I definitely recommend Boy Meets World instead but not to kids. Boy Meets World is the better version of Girl Meets world and is definitely suited towards a slightly older audience (in my opinion age 13 and up).