I am a fan of AGT and I thought generally the regular show had made improvements over the years. On Champions I am loving seeing so many of my favorites from years past, but choosing only 2 to go to the finals mucks it up. So one of the judges gets to put 1 through leaving only one more from this group of 50 super fans...whatever that is. This voting system as far as the major audience is concerned is flawed. Who are these "super fans"? It the whole system is not at all transparent. I mean, the way it looks, the producers could be picking the single winner. And generally the much larger AGT fan base does not agree. Frankly I should just enjoy the acts and turn it off before the stupid voting is announced. Fortunately most of these people have developed successful careers and so nothing much depends on the show. I understand that there are significant obstacles in terms of time created by the network, but it doesn't work. Perhaps if this is carried forward to another year a better voting system will be developed.