Ill start by saying what I didn't like because I feel thats more important to put first if your looking to buy Horizon. I thought the concept was amazing and I did love that about the game but the visuals felt underplayed by the Heads Up Display, Just took away from the experience a little for me. Got bored of exploring the world shortly after downloading the game. Constantly encountering different enemy types and levels, as cool as they were just got annoying when I wanted the story to progress. Having to travel to the other far reaches of the map and every enemy along the way chasing after you (forcing a fight) just felt repetitive and pointless. I found it a bit confusing where or what I was actually supposed to be doing and I felt the inventory display was just a bit weird and over complicated than it needed to be. But thats just my opinion comparing to games I like so it doesn’t matter much. Overall thought it was a good game still and I did enjoy parts of the game. The camera movement during combat was helpful and fast, giving a quick cinematic feel to the boss fights with badass weapons of various ability and damage. Obviously the visual look of the game is great! The light simulations look so sharp to so smooth it really creates a beautiful atmosphere this world has to offer and does shine even more during combat. Its an interesting PS exclusive to get and I did like what it has to offer. Interested to see what the next gen game will be like in comparison.