I'm trying to be as impartial as possible, but if I held Naughty Dog to its own standard for the first one it would be a one star. What mean by that is its an okay game. Nothing stands out about it. The gameplay is fun, but repitive. If you want more of the same gameplay from the first, youll like it. I didn't mind completing the story, but there's definitely half of the game that's significantly less exciting than the second half. No new likeable characters. I loved every character in the first one including Bill.
Joel got robbed from this game and it was the dumbest move I've seen in a long time when it comes to sequels. They made it seem like he completely lost everything that made him such a badass in the first one. Once I became Abby, the only part I liked is when I found out who she was and her relation to Joel. Once the shock of that was over, I found myself rushing to complete her story. They figuratively spat on the characters from the last game and literally spit on the main character. I felt like ND didn't care about it's fans at all during the decision making of this. I lost a lot of respect for them over this and it sucks that my favorite game of all time had such a mediocre-at-best sequel.