100% completion review- the game is an absolute masterpiece. I’m now on NG+ and can’t wait to run through it again.
**70hrs of playtime update**
The game now has 5 stars…artistically, cinematically and storyline are amazing. Its take a bit to get used to the fighting and play style and the first chapter or so seemed to be really boring until you start to get the hang of the game and get more involved into the story and characters. Leveling up is great too as you can change your skillset as many times as needed or for a particular boss. I’ve just finished chapter 3 and looking forward for more! This game is unique, at first I was upset that it wasn’t open world but it doesn’t need it. Some maps are so big it feels that way. They’ve patched some bugs since release and feels a lot more fluid. There still isn’t a map but that’s part of the fun and mystery, discovering new places and bosses and chests along the way. You can always travel back to any level should you’ve forgotten something along the way. I’m leaving my prior reviews up so you can see the rollercoaster of a ride it took me on through hour 1 and hour 70. I now love this game.
** UPDATE** after first hour- this game is hot trash.
It’s a linear npc and Boss rush with barely to no dialogue or storyline. You get stuck in corners and can’t see anything, I’m constantly panning the camera up to see what’s ahead, and it’s incredibly boring to not have an adventure in a game and only go from fight to fight. This game is an embarrassment and I’m ashamed to have fallen for the hype. It plays nothing like God Of War or Ghost of Tsushima or has the story to keep your interest. You literally run in a straight line and fight a boss and then another boss and then another boss and then another boss and I promise I tried to give it a shot but it’s incredibly boring and plays choppy. It needs so much to make it playable.
(First hour on the game PS5)
-map and character design
-No map
-Not open world
-Fighting feels too light, like I’m hitting people with a Qtip
-Loading times
-Camera angle doesn’t allow you to get full feel of game, only what’s down and in front of you- I’m constantly panning up to see what’s ahead
-I don’t think it garners the hype that preceded it, if anything, my review stars will likely go down rather than up.
Will update review after more play through but if it’s boss fight after boss fight as I’m reading in other reviews this game will be incredibly boring for me-and that sucks.