If you have ever read the poem/book of Beowulf you would have been highly disappointed with the outcome of this flim. Personally I dont agree with how they depicted Grendel. I would've imagined Grendel a little more muscular and bigger since he was described as being able to grab 30 men at once. Throughout the flim there were many details that played important role in the story of Beouwulf, that were changed. Another plot twist they threw in there was how they made Grendel's mom, Angelina Jolie. In the book she was just as monstrous as Grendel and wasn't so seductive. Never in the book did any of the characters sleep with Grendel's mother. Another point to be made is how some of the characters died. This movie you could describe as entertaining to say the least, but is not even the slightest bit close to how the story was portrayed in the book.