Disrespect to artists everywhere. Disrespect to the Lore of past games novels and comics. Disrespect to long-time fans.
Story is absolutely awful, like something out of a kids' film. I would go as far as to say A.I. could do better. Characters are 1-dimensional, they treat returning ones, specifically well-loved ones, like garbage. Villains have no meat to them. Visuals took priority over consistent story. And said visuals aren't all that WOW.
Romances are something out of a teen romantic comedy. Awful flirts, women who can't make up their minds, and men who fumble, bumble, and mumble while apologising for everything.
Even plot points of previous works have been entirely retconned or simply not included.
Gameplay is fast, but the elements that MADE the previous works are archaic or simply not there and player choice is limited when compared to older instalments.
Severe lack of conflict. Baddies are there, goodies are there, no sound reasoning why they fight. Supposed villains to be part of the game had little to no screen time and some who should not have been villains take their place. Voice actors sound like they hated their jobs throughout and I'd say for good reason. I'd have preferred a silent protagonist, like good 'ol Warden.
The shadow Inquisition pretty much has no point in the story. No disbanded force, or book drop with suave exit like we all remember the Inquisitor doing. In fact they don't bloody exist. The folks took 'Shadow' to heart, because they disappeared from the story.
The start, up until you meet a well-known elf mage, seemed to be the only part of the entire game that they actually did their job. Probably came from the guys they fired before the game was finished.
This game isn't even worth the one star.