I enjoy watching and learning from Pastor John Hagee. I find his sermons to be a "teaching experience." If you want straight teaching, preaching, then, it is up to those of us who have listened to him, to make the decision to do something about our living for the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave his life freely, upon the middle cross of Calvary for the sins of the whole world!
I find his teaching un-compromising, spirited, and biblically correct. He does not preach to please some who may feel his sermons are too strong. Too bad, for those who think like this!
I am speaking for myself, it is left to others to make their own decision, concerning the teaching. I feel today, too many Christians do not take serving God seriously enough. I feel that if I am going to serve God, I want to serve Him 100%. I should not do it at all if it is half-heartedly.
I realize that I am not dealing with mortal man, but the God of Heaven who knows everything about me...I cannot hide away from God, He sees, and knows everything about me...He doesn't have to do an inquiry about me. His eyes are seeing my uprising and my down setting. His account about me is 100% correct, and I will have to answer the charges laid against me on the day of Judgment when I appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ.
My solemn prayer is that: God's people will be ready, watching, waiting on His return to claim us as His bride, without spot, and without a wrinkle, just like He desires us to be. Blameless, when we appear before Him. I have yet to reach this state of readiness, but I know in whom I have believed, and am confident that I will be given the amount of grace to be transformed in heart, mind, and spirit bearing fruit in this life, as evidence.
I pray God's blessing upon this Pastor and his Church, that all will be found in readiness, waiting and watching for the return of Jesus. Amen!