I really loved it but I also didn't like it, but I'd give it 5 stars, I loved it. Let me explain. This movie is so original, I've never seen anything like it. It made me sad and I cried so hard but I also laughed, it's super confusing at one point and that annoyed me but I also loved it. It was an odd sort of feeling in the end, I had a deep care for this movie and its' characters, like something to be protected. It's really unexplainable, you'd have to watch it. I didn't watch it for a long time because I saw the trailers and it seemed so dumb and it had some really bad reviews. I learned a while ago that critics' reviews don't mean anything, they're just people and liking something is so subjective to you and your life experiences, so movie critics are pretty useless. Anyway, I do recommend it, but I know it's not for everyone. And that's okay.