Although I did not watch the segment on liver damage caused by natural supplements. I did read about it. What an absoute load of nonsense. Did you ask about what medical drugs were also being taken. Was there any discussion about how damaging long term use of said drugs can be not only to tne liver but to most organs of the body. Was the subjects diet and lifestyle scrutinized? I suspect a very one sided story. Where yet again natural therapies are demonised by a medical profession fearful of losing some of their authority to these diciplines. When it comes to chronic long term mystery illness such as auto immune diseases, the medical world can give little help often making matters worse with their limited understanding of such disorders. Millions of people around the world give up and seek alternative treatment where they often get more relief than any doctor ever provided. I am one such person. Diagnosed with ibs and told to live with it. My healing came from alternative medecine not from conventional treatments. How about some investigations into these stoties. I am not denigrating medical advances but surely there can be more than one way to offer healing. And if such a story is aired then good journalism examining both sides thoroughly is required.