It is so depressing that we can't laugh like this anymore. There IS a thing called 'TOO sensitive",and that's what society is today. EVERYTHING is 'offensive'....Nothing is JUST FUNNY anymore. I wasn't born when the 1970's roasts were on (Not until 1977) and I wish we could have more like these. I never laughed so hard at anything than these classics. The ones on Comedy Central are all filth and vulgarity. I guess the 'woke' culture is so hell bent on not 'offending' certain groups that they give no thought to the fact that they're offending those of us who appreciate the humor of Don Rickles(R.I.P) . Of course,Bob Hope wasn't vulgar and he was hilarious. Nipsy Russel wasn't filthy and he was funny,too. Tis World needs to loosen up and not take everything so seriously. NOT everything is meant to be insulting.