The film starts with the spiritual number 'Namo Namo' and there you start getting goosebumps. Sushant, a Muslim porter in Kedarnath shrine is loved even by the Hindu pilgrims as he's totally dedicated to his work and helps them complete their holy journey without any hurdles. Sushant is apt for the role of Mansoor and he delivers it with much ease and emotions!
Now for the lead lady, the scintillating, vibrant and glowing Sara Ali Khan, I'd say that no other movie would've been perfect for her launch than this. She's at her best as Mandakini @ Mukku. She gets almost every emotion right and much resembles her mom Amrita...well a proud mother at that. Her chemistry with Sushant is lovely. Thank God Kedarnath happened for her before Simmba..good for her. She'll be a hit in Bollywood for sure and would attain a star status very soon!
Songs like Sweetheart, and a couple of others are good, but nothing can beat 'Namo Namo'!
Lastly, the climax is exceptionally well shot and thanks to VFX for that. However, it'll leave you emotional and you leave the theatre in tears in your eyes. Still, I'd strongly recommend this film as there's so much goodness in it and was told in rather short time, yeah the length is exactly 2 hours!
Do not miss this movie for anything.
This is only movie in this year that will impress us as audience (Zero being an exception).