Definitely is an interesting twist on a classic space adventure archetype. I don't what I love more, the characters or the relationships they have between each other; to me those are the real stars of the show. Season 1 really hit all the marks I was looking for in terms of introduction, plot, story progression, character development and progression, world building, and conclusion. Season continued hitting those marks but hit some stronger than others. I feel like character development, story progression, and character progression were given less attention in comparison to things like world building and plot. Yes the story was expanded upon greatly in Season 2 and it felt more and more like a space epic but certain characters felt flat for a majority of the season and when given depth it was predictable and unsatisfying. Other characters were intriguing but overall character arcs are lacking and thus the strongest part of this show is now full of inconsistencies and the relationships aren't as organic and relatable as they should be. Also the jokes in Season 1 are corny but at least they try some different kind of humor that eventually grows on you. They threw all that comedy momentum away to focus on a new form of humor that didn't pay off and its a bit disappointing in Season 2