Have been watching bits of it on YouTube, haven't done a full episode yet. Technically it's brilliant, rivaling even the set recreation in the DS9 "Trials and Tribbleations" episode. Lights, sets music, everything is spot on. From an acting standpoint, this show would make a great object lesson in how different actors approach the same character. Michelle Specht comes off best, partly because there are no preconceived notions of her character. Not only does she nail the 60's style actress glamour,she also gets the style of acting while giving honest depth to the role. The other actors do well but none of them quite reach the levels of charisma the original series actors had. Vic has Shatner's physicality down pat, but lacks Shatner's swagger and unpredictable energy. There's a little sense of the show kind of trapping the new actors. Since it's such a faithful recreation of TOS, the expectation to duplicate original performance hamstring the actors. Say what you will about the Kelvin timeline movies,( and I know many of you hate them but I don't,and I'm a first generation Trekkie having seen Spock's Brain" on NBC primetime at 9 years old, and getting hooked for life) I also worked on ST The experience In The 90's and was the director of the original walk around cast) the actors of that iteration were allowed a little creative wiggle room to interpret their characters. But all this is quibbling, the Continues episodes are great fun and do fill in story gaps that fans have imagined for many years. May everyone who put the work into creating it Live Long and Prosper!