I stopped watching this a few minutes into the first episode being it's just woke garbage.
Have you noticed how we only see black people now everywhere although they represent 13% of the US population? Funny is, they are more latinos than blacks and yet the main character is black and female and then it starts and the next big character we see is a woman singing and she's black too.
That's much where I draw the line, I want to watch a show and not see my race erase just because of woke garbage out there. I'm proud of being white and human and I'm not asking not to see minorities I'm asking to be represented as a MALE and WHITE also. I'm also asking for OTHER minorities to be represented and this includes MALES of other ethnic backgrounds not just females.
If the main character is female, you will have to compensate with MANY STRONG male characters because I won't watch a show where I do not see males in quality roles, I just won't and I won't watch a show that erases white people because they are not "popular".
Also keep this in mind, the most people watching these shows are us white men and women that's just because we make the majority that's all. Few of us, very few of us do not want to see diversity, most of us do want to see diversity in roles and characters and who portrays them but if you toss aside white people and you toss aside white males, you toss aside a big part of who may watch your television show and you shoot yourself in the foot.