As this movie shows, you are not watching the same movie as the predecessor (Wonder Woman 1). This movie has a different vibe to it and as it is presented it is hard to grasp the at attention needed for a superhero movie. The beginning starts very slow and try’s to enforce action and drama. This did not resonate with me because it had no meaning to the actual plot line, when the story began I had more of a interest in watching the main villain instead of the main hero. The movie is cheesy and all not that impressive. There were a limited amount of scenes that I liked (most of them from the main villain), Wonder Woman (gal gadot) has a hard time putting effort into to the role as she acts more cocky and cheesy in this film. It was disappointing but I can say it was better then most other dc films that have been made in the past. The villain was a eye Catcher and the hero was dull. 6/10