If you've seen or read media in this genre before, you'll have the "twist" figured out by episode one, but you'll probably stick around for the ride anyway. It's due to the strength of the performances I've rated as high as I have. There are some truly stellar turns with solid direction and some fun nods to other beloved films with the cinematography. However, the monologues (so many monologues) utterly destroy the pacing, don't at all sound like the way people have conversations, and often devolve into preachy treacle other shows and movies have delivered without needing ten minute speeches per pop. Think the endless ending of The Return of the King, and you'll get what I mean, although this problem plagues the series throughout. With the right editing, this could have been great. As it is, it's about 3 episodes too long, and in the utterly predictable end I found myself wishing for some of my time back.