It's basically a massive Lost Cause Narrative that works to try to make the South look more noble than it was. When they had Longstreet say "We should have freed the slaves THEN fired on Fort Sumter" I laughed extremely hard. They fought the war for slavery, they say it in ALL their Articles of Secession. There would have been no Civil War if there were no slaves.
There are also alot of long, drawn out unecessary monologues on both sides that become uncomfortable and the movie gives a weird insinuation of some kind of weird three way relationship between Armistead, Hancock, and Hancock's wife...Also, the Pickett's charge is absolutely DRAGGED out for what feels like several lifetimes before they get to the angle finally.
But there are positives. Martin Sheen's performance as Lee was OUTSTANDING and Jeff Daniels does well as JL Chamberlain. The second day battle scene was fantastic as well. The movie was shot at Gettysburg and in Adams County and it gives alot of beautiful imagery and sets the scene well.
If you can get over the clear Lost Cause slant trying to make the South look like it was fighting for a noble cause, instead of fighting for the right to rape, torture, and enslave humans, then it's an ok film and there's alot of good historical quotes and it's pretty accurate to the mechanics of the battle...worth a watch.