As a fantasy show this is great, as something that's suppose to be based in a Discworld universe ehhh it's missing some of the feel.
A lot of people were mad about how far this series departs from the source material so it got ratings bombed. It's actually pretty good if not viewed in that light and I think if we gave it a second season it might be able to get more of that feel. The costumes and set design are well done and the acting is....better than a lot of first seasons of a shows to be honest. Actors need time to find their characters and really hit their stride.
There's also some bigots who are mad about race changes of characters which is a huge eye role. Look, we need to have diversity in television so everyone can see themselves reflected if you don't like it go watch reruns from the 90s no one is stopping you keep your antiquated opinions to yourselves and let us enjoy stuff.
I really enjoy the queer inclusivity in this show and the diversity of the cast, I'm hopping its renewed for another season.