The best show in the world, starring the best, most patriotic host - Tim Newman. Tim Newman's a jack of all trades - feature length films such as Mr. America and Decker: Port of Call: Hawaii. Musical pursuits such as Dekkar and DKR. Political activism. Lawyering. HEI. Rio Jenesis.
The man's pedigree is no joke - and watching him and occasional guests of no real major importance (not counting Ayaka and Joe Estivez and Jon Aprea and Axoim and Manuel) tell me what's worth watching is a great way to stay in the know! Something about Google's scale is broken, but I can't seem to rate in bags and the scale only goes to 5. Not sure I understand that.
This show gets 6 bags and a tiny car filled with a murderer who killed 2 people a few months ago.