This film is definitely interesting and Olivia Coleman is awesome as everyone says but I had a fundamental problem with it also known as unwilling suspension of disbelief. I could not believe that this woman was truly out of touch with her self to such a degree that she was so psychologically triggered. She was flashing back to difficult period of time as a mother that somehow we were to believe she had not dealt with before, which seemed unlikely. She was so disturbed by memories and their associated feelings of a difficult period as a mom 18 years prior that she physically would fall down in a somatic trauma. She was very smart and self-aware so where are we to believe this was her birth time of ever think back ? I did not feel she was stalkng this younger mother but rather she was obsessed with this doll. So much screen time was spent on her secret with the doll and I could not believe that she would admit to having taken it after all her clandestine obsession with this doll and her seeing how traumatized the little girl was who lost it. I really did not understand this woman enough for the film to work for me. there are a lot of things started in the story that could have lent insight into her but don’t really go anywhere. Instead of it resolving it just ended and I found it quite unsatisfying