Amazing movie start to finish. This movie absolutely torches so many -isms. Racism. Sexism. Lousy-person-ism. Mishigoss. And it finds a way to do this with humor and such juicy, delicious dialogue and it's like eating a 7-course meal! Most of the actors in this movie are / were native New Yorkers. From the way Walter Matthau says "woik" (work), to the way Jerry Stiller says "cantaloupe" to Beatrice Wind saying the memorable phrase "Pelham One Two Three is in motion," this thing is non-stop awesome! After watching this movie, you'll be walking around talking with a New York accent for several hours! That's how good this is! I am totally convinced with so many New Yorkers in the cast, and the movie being shot in New York, that the set must have smelled of pastrami on rye and Malamars! And that "gotcha" look at the end from Matthau to Martin Balsam...outstanding! Marie Gorman, Hector Elizondo, Balsam, Dick O'Neill, Julius Harris, Doris Roberts, Anthony Holland, Tom Pedi, Alex Colon...everyone in this film was spot-on! From character development to camera shots you cannot look away from, this is an amazing movie! And always will be!