Personally!! I thought the movie was rushed, here is why!
Walter White is killed off.
It was almost like he never existed in the first place. It seems Vince took the easier option of not including him in the movie to save time and resources.
Walter White is mentioned once (radio) and appears once (flashback). More time could of been giving to him since he was the centre of breaking bad. This approach of taking him out of the picture quickly was to me, pointless and irrational.
Jesse transition of becoming most wanted, to then become free in Alaska was very very quick!!
Most of Jesse's scenes was flashbacks of his life as a caged inmate. The problem with this is, it has very little to do with the previous breaking bad. His story seems to be basic obvious, and predictable. Which does not do the breaking bad saga any justice, when breaking bad was the bi opposite.
The failure of giving fans a touch of nestalga was dissapointing.
This movie wich comes under the breaking bad shadow, has very little to do with breaking bad.
There is so much of the original series that is not touched looked at or, Evan given a glimpse that would give use the flash backs of the most memoriable moments of breaking bad.
Without the inclusion of for example. Walters house, his family Saul, carwash etc, it really distanced itself from its roots, making the movie feel like a foreign film with very little links to tie it all together.
Final conclusion
I think with the inclusion, of more of breaking bad, more time spent on the script in including more of original sagas key characters and for the most part keeping alive the Walter White legacy this movie could of been the final knot on my hat has already been a rollercoaster journey. Instead it give the impression of great acting, at the cost of seperate unlinked narratives with a few clips to link it to it's previous generation.
This movie is great for those who have not watched the breaking bad series, but for those of us who have it's a rushed movie with a high pace timeline that has nothing in common with the predecessor. 6/10.