this book is the peak of literature. In today's society, flat stanley shows that it is ok to be flat and the possibilities are endless when you can do things such as go under a door, mail yourself to a friend, and, but not limited to, becoming a canvas in France. Thank you for coming to my ted talk, on behalf of all flat girls everywhere, I would like to thank the author of this glorious book that should honestly be the law of the land. Now your next thought was probably "What land" ? I am here to answer that question for you. The land in reference is in fact "Flat Girl Utopia". In this land, I believe that Flat Stanley should be the leader and the book series should be called "The Flat Stanley Gospel". We have begun construction of the Church of Flat Stanley. We expect record record high patronage, and we believe that our lord and savior, Flat Stanley, would expect the same. On behalf of our lord, thank you and have a blessed, flat, evening.