Game is great for the most part. Campaign is great but short. Multiplayer feels so good but honestly it’s quiet annoying to constantly be killed over and over and over without getting a kill sometimes and I spawn with the enemies near me. There are so many spots to camp it’s aggravating. I think when I’m spawned in the enemies territory it’s god giving me a chance but it’s hard to do that when you get sniped by someone camping across the map. You have to look at every single door, window, up stairs, behind you, cracks, corners, buses, bus windows, under the stairs, on top of the roofs, behind cover because the campers just mount their guns while their buddy have a riot shield, in between cars meaning if I can see through the car 9/10 you can be hit. I’m a pretty decent cod player. I’m not a noob but I have lost waaayyy more games than I have won. My highest streak is seven. That embarrassing. I should at least be at 15. But because the maps are so large and every single spot you go to you get shot from every single angle even places you didn’t even know were there. Plus if you’re focused on the Left side you better Believe that you’re gonna be shot from every angle so you’re literally spending all that time looking where they could be and by the time you find one you’re already spotted and dead. Claymores have such a delay I have watched enemies walk over them and past them(the claymore is facing them) and they are still able to kill me and then after I die they walk past it again and then they die. Honestly it’s a fun game when you’re doing ok but it’s pretty a pretty slow paced game. You have to like hang back just to do ok. Even then you’re still dying very often.