What a great show, especially during these uncertain times. I love that family ethnicity has been a main theme of the program from the start, bringing families, people, together which this world needs more of.
And Gerry, Gerry, Gerry! He’s the welcoming fulcrum to the show.
So sincere with his insertion of personal family tidbits and his gently jabbing wit.
Gerry don’t leave the show.
Don’t let the U.S. of A. grab you Eh!
(When they look for a replacement, you would be “The Number Answer”.)
You’d get the money, but you’d lose the heart, which is the real value!
Please more Canadian specific questions!
- When you were young, what was your favourite “Canadian” children’s program?
- Favourite Canadian Celebrity
- Survey question includes the word “Canadian”
“100 CANADIANS surveyed how many …”
Suggestions, how about a week of, “Kid’s Family Feud”? You know, ”They say the Darndest Things” as Art Linklater, from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan would say.
“Seniors Family Feud”, our endeared and still valued souls who likely are a majority of your viewers. Heh I’m one of them!
Would love to get on the show sometime to challenge some forgotten territory, the outer limits of my 70 year old brain.
For this nutshell, your show wraps up
my day. Watch it at five thirty. Turn off the box to avoid the doom and gloom snooze casts and enjoy my supper and hit the sack about 7-7:30 and dream about
Gerry and his Grace makers. Zzzz…
Kim Smith
Regina, “Go Riders”, SK