I actually highly revere a few of the actors & I don't have a problem with the acting. It was the writing I think that I had the most problem with. There was such a lack of depth throughout the entirety of the story. So much much more care was taken to make the visual appealing, the world seem real, wasted time, on say, the dragonfly type ships taking off with extended screen time focused on just that. This kind of stuff FILLS the whole movie. No attention is given to true connection with the characters, their feelings, intentions, depth of bonds with certain people & particular situations.
For me, to make matters worse. I apparently saw trailers that were made for all the movies put together or something cause I was not given the impression at all that this movie would only b a small slow moving part of the whole story. I expected so much more than what I was given! I kept waiting for the story to really get started, but instead, it just ended & I felt like I just wasted my time. I had been looking forward to when they would finally reboot this story for so long. I expected it to b so much better & I was disappointed.
I do hope that when the whole story is finally told, that it will somehow redeem itself.