Such a terrible game. Do not purchase it. The game is so broken that I highly doubt patches will fix it. They legitimately need to take it offline and go back to the drawing board.
Things that make it unplayable:
1. Lack of character customization is astonishing. Instead you get stuck with generic characters that are "specialists" that spout obnoxious one liners and their "specialist" ability essentially nullify the different classes. (i.e. some specialists have healing and ammo so no sense in a support or medic class)
2. The maps are H U G E. Takes way too long to traverse the map and in conquest there is only fighting on 3 of the 8 check points at any given time.
3. Weapons...not only is there hardly any weapons, they are awful. Forget about getting into a firefight beyond 50 meters. It's so bad opponents stand in the open without consequence because you legitimately cant kill them. If you can handle the recoil, it takes an entire mag to kill one person. If they are beyond 50 meters, your shot dispersion is so erratic that even compensating the recoil doesn't mean youll score hits.
4. vehicles, they are different names but Russian and American equipment are exactly the same. There is no difference between tanks or aircraft. The hovercraft is ridiculously overpowered and can climb entire buildings. Sometimes a tank round destroys them, sometimes it takes several. The damage makes zero sense.
5. the glitchy play. You can't put optics or attachments on the weapon in the home screen. Half the time your classes dont load in. Players running at distance look as if they are gliding. Terrain completely derails vehicles. It's laughable how bad it is.
In conclusion, this might be one of the worst games ever released. Save yourself the money, there's nothing that resembles previous battlefield games, which is extremely disappointing.