A well made International indie thriller...good lighting directing cinematography and acting...themes include the patriarchal part of culture of Indonesia- young women being unfairly/harshly judged as opposed to young men, ubiquitous nature of cell phone technology and social media, and ultimately the exploitation of regular Indonesians at the hands of the wealthy, and Me Too movement's ideals..this is a lot of ground to cover for one indie film but this movie manages to do it- overall I like this film.....the one drawback to me of this movie was its LENGTH..at 2 hours and 10 minutes I just felt this film was about 30 minutes too long for being a lower budget indie thriller. one of the strengths of indie films is their short length.. indie films have the ability to get in, make a unique important statement about life/society with artistry and talent, and then cut out and end the film quickly... this movie had the Artistry and had the acting Talent!! but like all indie films regardless of national origin, it had limited resources as opposed to Hollywood/Hong Kong/bigger budget Asian cinema... Short run times are important for indie film where often entire films must be created with limited locations/ resources... with this film we spend a lot of time in just a few places..If edited down to maybe a 90 minute film I think it would have made the message of the film, & the suspense, more condensed and tight- could have kept all its main themes and plot points, but cut down in length...If they did that I think the movie would have packed a much more powerful punch... Overall a good film.. well made ..but I think edited down to be much shorter, would have been even more powerful in it's message