What on earth is Bergman trying to state with this? Is it some sort of anti-feminist diatribe? Johan is allowed to be a complete a-hole throughout and Marianne goes along with much of it. Why? The first hour or so was pretty good – it was solidly trending towards 7/10 territory. The score began to plummet when Johan first tells Marianne he’s seeing someone else and is leaving her. This ordinarily devastating news evokes a very mild reaction from Marianne. She seems barely upset. The two agree to bed down together that night (!?), though in bed the conversation escalates. But again, the escalation is almost entirely from Johan. Despite the fact that HE is the one who’s cheating, HE is the one who’s leaving, HE is the one who told all their friends and left her to be the last to know for YEARS, he’s the one that gets pissed off and essentially tells her “I don’t give a damn what you tell the kids, I don’t give a damn what you feel, I’m gone.” She again takes all of this awfully well. Six months pass, during which Johan has made NO contact with his kids and forgot their birthdays, and despite this Marianne is portrayed as caring only about f@#*ing and showing affection towards Johan again. We fast forward in time again to when our lovely Johan now decides to lock Marianne in his office and then beat and kick her. Marianne STILL CONTINUES TO SHOW AFFECTION FOR HIM, right up until (mercifully), the last frame. Here’s another kick in the pants – Liv Ullmann said she was “becoming more involved in the feminist movement while making the film.” Really!?