After about 50 hours I've just had to accept I'm not good enough to complete this game. That is not a sign of good game design. I just can't take the brutal unfairness and cheap mechanics. Even this far into the game I have little or no idea what the plot is. Its a mess. All over the place and involves stringing together fragments of information that can be hours apart. That which I have gleaned is just a bit weak and cheesy.
It looks beautiful. Stylistically fantastic, but once the gameplay wears thin it's not enough to keep me playing. It's the game equivalent of those horrible hipster coffee shops, where the service takes ages and after a while you realise the 'artisan' just means overpriced ordinary coffee.
Pros: pretty, wet dream for hardcore players with the reflexes of a coked up ferret
Cons: long, weird plot that makes little sense, no guidance, no difficulty curve - just a vertical line, long boring slogs through levels interspersed with sadistic game design.