Honestly a vary good game overall, if you enjoy games like Diablo where you have to run dungeons to get loot to make your character more powerful then this is the perfect game for you. If you're looking for customization or creativity like base game Minecraft then this probably isn't the game for you, that doesn't make the game bad, it just makes it different. While yes it isn't perfect and does have some things that could be improved, like I think it would be nice if on the page for a weapon it showed the DPS of the weapon along with the other stats, that would be nice. And I still need to reach the end of the levels and see how the replayability is and how the higher difficulty levels work and how good of rewards you can get from them. Overall the game definitely shows promise and is definitely worth the $20 it is, plus it seems they already have plans for DLC which shows they care about adding more stuff past what's already there, instead of just launching it and leaving it there.