Paul Gigot's opening statement on his show today was the same as the false talking point the democrats used after the IG's testimony the other day!!! Cmon Paul! Get it right! Your supposed to be a conservative talk show host on Fox News! The IG stated repeatedly after being asked the same questions over and over from the dems, who were looking for their fake news talking point for that evening. He stated "there was no documentary or testimonial evidence of political bias" in his report!!! THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HIS STATEMENT AND THE STATEMENT THAT YOU, ROGER, AND THE DEMS MADE "the IG stated there was no political bias" period!!! If you accidentally made this statement then you didn't do near enough homework this week! If not, then you shouldn't be a conservative host on Fox News! I also have a problem with the IG stating he found no "testimonial or documentary evidence" when he had full access (as we do) to the tweets by Lisa Page and Strock. With all the politically charged and biased statements in those tweets, why would the IG ignore them and make the statement he did??? BTW, the statement he made repeatedly, means that he found no political bias in the documents or the testimony he received from witnesses and his investigations!!! So I suppose he just ignored the tweets!!! Listen up you effete snob journalists at the Fake News and apparently at Fox News too! We Walmart shopping, god believing, deplorables are a whole lot smarter than all of you think we are!!! You will find out just how angry and upset we are about all this on Election Day, just like 2016, except it will be a popular landslide win this time! Why? Because every gun owner who has never voted before is going to line up to vote this time. Combine that with the quickly growing black and hispanic Trump voting block, along with the many, many moderate dems who will vote for him and not even tell their husbands or wives because they can't possibly vote for sleepy, prid quo Joe or 8 oz. Bloomb$rg! There you have it. It's going to be the perfect Trump Storm of taking our country back....again and showing the dems that this 3 yr impeachment witch hunt and now the weakest articles of impeachment ever (if you can actually call them articles, more like opinions with no evidence whatsoever) brought before the Senate are only going to lose them the House of Rep and cause the fake news' ratings to tank even more!! So, George Souros, you will have to keep propping up your fake news stations because they are leaking money from no viewership!!! AND THAT IS THE TRUTH THAT YOU WILL SEE IN NOVEMBER 2020, remember I told you so! Sorry Paul but you deserve this lol.