I've not seen the game or played it.
But I LOVED this film !!
I thought the characters were brilliant, the film was riveting full of action ( as I guess the game is )
Gutted there's not been anyone films since , as I know AC is a big franchise. I would definitely like to see more of the story .
My grandson who is 11 (and a half)was watching Minecraft on YouTube and Sundee ( you tube reviewer ) just mentioned the characters in Minecraft reminded him of the jump scenes from AC. On which I looked up the 2016 film :)
I was so happy to see its a 12 certificate, I will definitely be watching this film with him.
I've watched it so many times myself.
Looking forward to watching it again :)
Again I LOVED this film and I've watched it about 12 times ( or more )
I would definitely watch my grandson play this game, but not for a number of years yet , as I know its an 18 haha