Well, i will just list it off....
#1. If you want good loot be ready to pay real $$$ for the "loot boosters" or "airdrops". Or try your luck at killing the players that do pay for it... Like 1% of them pay...... Its at least $20 FOR THE PASS, thne $10 for the boosters for a few games. ( i get it they need money to make the game better)
#2. Controlls, switching wepons sometime slow/glitch/dont work at all.... Some of the guns the reciol is hardly nothing, some nothing at all , most uncontrollable! Unless you have sensitivity maxed and good luck with that.....
#3. UI- running, jumping, crouching, vaulting..... 30% chance it wont work. Or 30% chance it works to good lol. I shot at a guy, next thing you know he is jumping/running super fast zig zagging almost like he was just floating above the ground. Going over rocks through tree like nothing haha...... Sound with my headset sometimes hard to pin point left or right, its all over the place. Except for far gun shots that works. Yea i gave up on "the listing" lmafo.... You will take fall damage from a 3 foot high rock, or even walking down a hill. Get shot through rocks, trees, and even the ground. Guns will just stop shooting on a full auto spray a qurater of the way through the mag. Sometime twice in a mag. You might have to reload twice.
Buuut its a great style of game. And its the onlt game on xbox like it. The has great potential and can really go forward in the future. As long as they are not intested in maki g a quick for $$$$ and could careless how it works. I lime plahkng jt and hope to see some fixes in the coming updates. And if you dont like what i have to say about it. Piss off! Get bent! And as if i say makes i difference anyway. Who am i to judge a game by it coding.... I bet its not gli g to get any better! I hope im wrong.