I'll be honest I didn't like the movie. I didn't really care that there was a bi-racial couple, they were very cute and sweet. Ioved the actress and I love the wife she played. I didn't like the husband though, for some reason they made him so pale in character that he was lost next to his wife. But mostly they were nice)
What I didn't like were voices of the animals, they were so... modern? I don't even know how explain it, they were just so not on spot, Lady for example seeme not like a lady but some timboy which would have been fine if there wasn't supposed to be a lady. Tramp was plain borring, other were to. The animals themselves looked very odd and kind off out of place. Honestly, did Disney forget how to draw? And did run out of other stories and fairytales? There are so many of them but they just go one remaking classic cartoons and not even trying to do it well. It's just so sad(