Horrible. Not the acting, which is fine. No, the writers of this series, apart from a few character names, have completely ignored the whole premise of Asimov’s highly-acclaimed work. Anyone who has read his Foundation series (which probably are few in this day - who has the time or desire to read) will not recognize the plot of a single episode. From the ignoring of the reason for establishing the Foundation (to ostensibly write the Galactic Encyclopedia) to the changing of Salvor Hardin’s character to a guarding warden, to the purpose of the Vault, nothing of this series even remotely resembles the books. I reluctantly watched this through to the season’s last episode hoping, in vain, that perhaps the writers would bring the plot line around to anything that Asimov had intended - all to no avail. Which is a shame, as the original texts have plenty of action, dialogue and intrigue to create a show from. For many years I’ve wondered why no one has tackled this project, and was very hopeful when I saw this had been produced. The biggest disappointment came when Hardin’s character said something along the lines that her single actions could affect the outcome of Seldon’s Plan…exactly the opposite of what Asimov had written. To change the entire idea of what the author had envisioned does a complete disservice to his memory and to all the fans who have tuned in to this series. Unfortunately, if you are a fan of Asimov’s masterpiece, then you will be woefully disappointed in this offering.