My family and I love Stranger Things...unfortunately as a Christian mom I am saddened and very disappointed about Season 3, we were so desperately waiting to watch it, but was ruined by all the GD's thrown into this season!! We tried to look past all the cussing in the last 2 seasons, b/c I know that's how it was in the 80's....but I really wish people would understand that you can make a show/movie just as great and not have to say GD!!! I am very tolerant of A LOT of things, BUT as a Christian..NOT that word! As much as we love SiFi..we will no longer be watching any more seasons of Stranger Things if the creators of this show continue to have their characters say that word!! I hope that a lot more Christian families will stand up for their moral beliefs and say something about this!!
Thank You so much for hearing my plea!
A concerned Christian parent <><