The show has potential but it got "netflixed". Tired, tedious melodrama. The main family is a joke (teen daughter is a book, husband role unbelievable, female friend is neurotic and needs Valium and down syndrome child is a gem but unnecessary). The crew are competent actors but their backstories would never land them on a historic mission(blind, closeted and 2 with nobody). And then there's swanky. She is perfect in appearance, bad acting and general yuck to be a...ugly lesbian serial killer, but she stinks in this. Plus, when they flashback to pregnancy she and hubby still look 50!!! Give 'em some botox and a wig. When there is actual mission stuff, it's ok. But that is about 10% of the episode. And is it produced by a religious organization? What is with all of the praying and fighting adulterous temptation? Come on Netflix this could be so much better. Abort this mission!!!