The show has lost its appeal since Lisa Vanderpump left. The episodes have become inane and boring. Lisa Rena seems to have taken the show over. The argument over Denise Richards not wanting her daughter’s to overhear discussions of her friends’ sex lives is ridiculous. Everyone has the right to raise their children as they wish and no one should guilt them otherwise. Get over it ladies. What Denise talk about with her friends has nothing to do with what she wants her daughters to know about her or her friends. Sick of hearing about it.
The housewives shows have turned into episodes surrounding catty women who drink too much and no one would really want to be friend’s with. It’s like a High School. I used to look forward to a new episode. I no longer tape it and only watch it when nothing else is on. Last year for sure for NYC, Orange County and Beverly Hills. NYC those that remain all seem to have drinking problems, (maybe not Ramona), really sad. Orange County, the best women are gone from years ago when it first came on. And Beverly Hills, no one seems genuine.