This is my number one favorite Kdrama from now on. I’ve enjoyed the show with all the roller coaster emotions mostly crying but still was worth it. Actually, this show conveyed real deep meanings of life and love. I exactly felt every single emotion that dongkyung did and bawled my eyes out with her together. Also, I will NEVER get in a relationship unless I find a guy who would love me as much as myulmang loves dongkyung to the point that he gives up his existence. I sincerely hope that there’ll be a season 2 with the same cast (at least dongkyung and myul mang) in it as I still cannot move on the show plus I’ve been listening to all of its OSTs every single day ever since I’ve done watching it as if I’m living in the show forever. I’m being honest, I’ve never seen a Kdrama that got my soul this hard. Doom at Your Service is the first.