I loved her in TBBT so I know she knows how to act and be funny so maybe she's suffering from amnesia because I couldn't even finish the 1st episode. It was awful! I guess Hollywood hasn't figured out that it is very difficult to adapt a British comedy for the US market. There have been several attempts with various shows with very few successes like The Office and even that one almost didn't make it at 1st. I would have preferred an original idea for her instead. Last but not least, this is a personal pet peeve of mine but I absolutely HATE IT when the fourth wall is broken and the characters start talking to the camera as if talking to you at home! Other than in a mockumentary style setting it doesn't work! It simply reminds you that you are watching a show and it makes it difficult to let yourself get sucked in to their world and to feel something for the character. It feels more like watching bad stand up comedy where the comedian is explaining every joke because no one is laughing and they don't know when to shut up so they keep talking trying to fill the empty space where laughter should be.